Telemedicon2022 kerala

“Strengthening Health Systems through Sustainable Telemedicine and Digital Health”

TELEMEDICON is one of thebest caucus conducted annually in our country, connecting healthcareprofessionals and providers, health insurance providers, online pharmacychains, policy/decision makers, industrialists, academic scientists, researchers and researchscholars, medical and engineering students also various stakeholders in the fieldof Telemedicine, Telehealth, eHealth, mHealth and digital health across theworld in association with various government & private organizations andalong with national and international professional societies.

Organizing Committee

Telemedicon2022 Kerala


National Advisory committee Telemedicon2022

President TSI
Nodal Officer Telemedicine
SGPGI Lucknow

Dr.Prem Nair

 Telemedicon2022 -Kerala

President TSI Kerala
Medical Director - AIMS